Our company is dedicated to provide quality corporate housing and destination services to Expatriates of global corporations and foreign embassies, with a real estate company established in 1903 conducting business operations in Minato-ku, Tokyo as our management organization.
Expatriates and assignees come to Japan from various countries and cultures with many different objectives, and we would like all of our customers who have had the opportunity to live and work in Japan to make a smooth and successful transition.
Our company has been consistently delivering a unique and tailored service under the philosophy of providing support in various formalities of relocation. This identity which has been bestowed upon us is now a legacy of Total Relocation Inc., a newly formed company in 2015 with an even unyielding philosophy and service.

Today, our experienced professional staff specializing in corporate contracts who have closed partnership deals with over 800 domestic and foreign affiliated companies will assist our customers to meet every demand.
At our Singapore Branch Office, we provide a multitude of services including an online search site for rental housing in Singapore, and Total Relocation is beginning to expand the scope of services even further.
We will keep striving to improve the level of services we provide in order to gain greater customer satisfaction.

各種の手続に始まりそのサポートを提供差し上げたいという理念のもとに、一貫して独自のサービスに努力してまいりました。その受け継がれたアイデンティティーは、2015年にTotal Relocation 株式会社として、新しく、さらに太い理念・サービスの幹へと誕生いたしました。

また、シンガポール支社におきましては、不動産賃貸物件検索サイト in Singapore をはじめ、各種のサービスを展開させていただいており、このトータルリロケーションの幹は、さらに太く、サービスの世界を広げ始めております。
Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth,We are happy when we are growing.
(William Butler Yeats)